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Modern Slavery Statement
For the Financial Year Ending 2024


Haywood Contracting is committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking are not present in our operations or supply chains. This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines the steps we have taken and continue to take to prevent slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain.


Our Business


Haywood Contracting is an environmental construction company based in the northeast of the UK. We specialise in wetland and in-river work, environmental restoration habitat management. 

Despite our small team, we recognise the importance of playing our part in combating modern slavery and ensuring that ethical practices are upheld throughout our operations.


Our Supply Chain


Our supply chain includes suppliers of construction materials, subcontractors, and service providers. We acknowledge the potential risks associated with the construction sector and are committed to working only with reputable suppliers and contractors who align with our values.


Policies and Commitment


We operate with a strong ethical code and are guided by principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for human rights. Our commitment to combating modern slavery is supported by:

  • Supplier Standards: We expect our suppliers and subcontractors to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including those relating to modern slavery and human trafficking.

  • Due Diligence: We carry out initial checks on key suppliers to assess their compliance with ethical and legal standards.

  • Whistleblowing Policy: We provide a clear channel for employees, subcontractors, and suppliers to report any concerns about unethical behaviour or modern slavery.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation


We have assessed our supply chain and identified that the risk of modern slavery within our operations is low. However, we remain vigilant in monitoring the practices of suppliers, particularly those in higher-risk areas such as labour-intensive activities.


Training and Awareness


We provide training to relevant staff to ensure they are aware of the signs of modern slavery and understand their responsibilities in identifying and reporting any concerns.


Future Actions


We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to combating modern slavery. Over the coming year, we will:

  • Review and enhance our supplier due diligence processes.

  • Update staff training to cover the latest developments in modern slavery awareness.

  • Develop stronger partnerships with suppliers to promote ethical practices.



This statement has been approved by the Partners of Haywood Contracting and will be reviewed annually to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.


Rupert Haywood

Haywood Contracting
1st April 2024

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